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Species occurrences

Species with sequences Barcodes

Long-term Ecological sites

Greenhouse gas fluxes measuring stations

Research support

Resources and services by PORBIOTA

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PORBIOTA helps to validate citizen science biodiversity data
DNA platform
A new way for animal and plant species identification
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Open access to biodiversity data
Morphological and molecular identification of species

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LTER PT network Sites movies were released on November 23th at FCUL with the four platform sites representation – LtsER Montado, LTsER Baixo Sabor, LTsER Ria de Aveiro, LTsER Estuários, followed by a round-table

LTER Fica foto

In the scope of the PORBIOTA e-Infrastructure, on October 16, 2021, at FIC.A - Festival Internacional de Ciência, it was possible to assist the launch of the dissemination film about the 4 LTER Portugal sites.


In addition, two articles published in less than a year, the work now published provides DNA barcodes for the identification of 83 species.


Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa - Grande Auditório (3.2.14)

Lançamento de 4 filmes produzidos e realizados por Miguel Cort

Tapada da Ajuda, Instituto Superior de Agronomia

Este evento tem como objetivo a divulgação do conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade da Tapa

                                                                      ABOUT PORBIOTA




PORBIOTA is the Portuguese e-Infrastructure in charge of collecting, storing, organising and disseminating biodiversity and environmental data from the entire portuguese territory. Provides an open data platform that connects academia, the public administration and civil society. It is fostering a national agenda for biodiversity and ecosystems research, making available high-quality knowledge needed to meet societal challenges regarding environmental protection and sustainability. The e-Infrastructure PORBIOTA is the national node of LifeWatch ERIC and is engaged with eLTER, ICOS, DISSCo and GBIFRead more 


International Partnerships  

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BioBlitz da Tapada

Este evento tem como objetivo a divulgação do conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade da Tapada da Ajuda, através do contato direto entre a comunidade e os investigadores. De 14 a 16 Maio de 2021 iremos proporcionar um fim-de-semana à descoberta e registo de espécies através de Ciência Cidadã!


The project aims to raise awareness on the diversity, importance and omnipresence of pollinators in our daily lives.

In May there are two international days of special biological importance, the World Bee Day (May 20) and the International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22). On the celebration of this dates CIBIO-InBIO and Parque Biológico de Gaia are launching a national citizen science project entitled “Portuguese Pollinators”. The project is based on the BioDiversity4All platform, the Portugal node of the iNaturalist Network.


The importance of genomic (including metabarcoding and metagenomics) and bioinformatics research area in the assessment, understanding, monitoring and preservation of biodiversity is continuously growing. It constitutes an important asset for LifeWatch ERIC, which will greatly benefit for coordination of the major research groups that are active in this research area in the different LifeWatch ERIC national nodes.

LTER Portugal Movies Released

LTER PT network Sites movies were released on November 23th at FCUL with the four platform sites representation – LtsER Montado, LTsER Baixo Sabor, LTsER Ria de Aveiro, LTsER Estuários, followed by a round-table about Portugal LTsER platform – ‘A importância da rede nacional LTER Portugal’!

Watch the Movies!


LTER Portugal Sites film presentation

In the scope of the PORBIOTA e-Infrastructure, on October 16, 2021, at FIC.A - Festival Internacional de Ciência, it was possible to assist the launch of the dissemination film about the 4 LTER Portugal sites. In this film, the long-term (socio)ecological research and monitoring projects are presented, the 4 sites included in the LTER Portugal platform (Long-Term Ecological Research) LTsER Baixo Sabor, LTsER Ria de Aveiro, LTsER Estuaries (Minho, Mondego and Mira) and LTsER Mounted.


This new species of Lepidoptera is closely related to Ypsolopha instabilella (Mann, 1866), but with some differences externally, in male and female genitalia and a significant difference in DNA barcode.

With the present work, the number of Portuguese Ypsolopha species is raised to seven. Currently, the distribution known of this species is limited to a single site at Vila Nova de Milfontes, Beja, Portugal, in contrast with Y. instabilella which has a wide distribution from southern Spain, into central Asia.

Vulnerability Workflow - Risk assessment of NIS introduction and establishment, habitat vulnerability to NIS and estimation of the impact on Biotopes

Assessing ecosystem and habitat type vulnerability to invasion/colonisation of non-indigenous species (NIS) is key to focus conservation actions protecting them from the negative impacts related to NIS invasiveness.

Spatial modelling of temporal dynamics in stream fish communities under anthropogenic change

Understanding temporal changes in aquatic communities is essential to address the freshwater biodiversity crisis. In particular, it is important to understand the patterns and drivers of spatial variation in local community dynamics, generalizing temporal trends from discrete locations to entire landscapes that are the main focus of management. Here, we present a framework for producing spatially continuous views of community dynamics, focusing on stream fish affected by hydropower development.

Scientific Collections

By cataloguing and digitizing data from natural history museums, botanical gardens and herbariums collections, using massive digitization of specimens and crowdsourcing cataloguing will provide knowledge on biodiversity through evolution and diversity of nature.

TiBE – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution


EnvMetaGen is organizing this year CIBIO’s annual conference, TiBE – Trends in Biodiversity and Evolution.

The 10th edition under the theme of Metabarcoding and Metagenomics

The event will take place from 9-11th December 2020, on a dedicated online platform for streaming of the presentations and networking between participants.

Abstracts for oral presentations and posters are accepted until November 8th.

Portugal joined Promote Pollinators in 2020

‘Portugal decided to join the Promote Pollinators initiative as it recognizes that only through experience sharing among its members, with better cooperation and establishment of best practices, it will be possible to increase the knowledge about pollinator status, trends and conservation strategies, with direct impact at a global scale, as well as with high national and regional relevance’.

Silent Cities

Researchers from CIBIO-InBIO and CEF-ISA have joined efforts to coordinate the Silent Cities project in Portugal. Taking advantage of the available equipment, and an amazing network of volunteers it was possible to get excellent geographic coverage with the installation of 55 recording devices. CIBIO-InBIO researchers and the project PORBIOTA contributed with 13 devices.

Carbon and Water Fluxes Data set

The data set contains eddy covariance measurements of carbon and water fluxes and ancillary measurements observed at a 50-year-old cork oak woodland (Quercus suber L.) at Herdade da Machoqueira do Grou, located in Central Portugal under Mediterranean climate conditions. The data were collected between 2010-09-01 to 2017-08-31

InBIO Barcoding Initiative | Cochylimorpha punctiferana

There is still a lot to be done regarding the inventory of Lepidoptera species from Portugal: species to be found, species to be named and described for the first time, and, sometimes, it is also needed to clarify the status of species previously described. Cochylimorpha punctiferana is one of those cases, the species was described in 1881 from a single specimen from Bragança in north-east Portugal, collected by Manuel d’Oliveira. It has since 1913 been considered a synonym of C.

Biodiversity monitoring trought citizen science

PORBIOTA provides a platform that connects academia, the public administration, business corporations and civil society.

Through iNaturalist/Biodiversity4All, PORBIOTA aims to promote the engagement of citizen scientists in the collection of biodiversity data from Portugal and its EEZ, and to promote the curation of observations by the vast network of professional scientists involved in this research infrastructure.

Plataform DNA Barcodes species identification

PORBIOTA provides a platform for reference collections of DNA barcodes of animal and plant species occurring in Portugal. DNA barcodes are mainly based on the CO1 gene for animals, while for plants several genes are used.

The existence of a reference collection of DNA sequences is a crucial step for the successful development of molecular monitoring programs, as it is necessary to correctly assign the sequences generated by DNA metabarcoding to taxonomic entities.

European Ecological Federation Congress (15th EEF) 2019, Lisbon

The 15th European Ecological Federation (EEF) Congress, took place at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal) in 29th of July to the 2nd of August 2019 under the theme Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals.

PROBIOTA was represented through LifeWatch-PT in the LifeWatch-ERIC booth in EEF2019 Congress, displaying the contribution for scientific community.

Portugal joins LifeWatch-ERIC

LifeWatch Portugal is managed at a national level by PORBIOTA - e-Infrastructure Portuguese Information and Research in Biodiversity, led by CIBIO-InBIO, the Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources. The integration into LifeWatch reinforces and projects onto an international scale the contribution of our country to understanding the factors that threaten biodiversity and ecosystems as key elements for the well-being and development of society.

The new PORBIOTA room in the main building at ISA-Instituto Superior de Agronomia

On 13th May 2019, the ISA-Instituto Superior de Agronomia, together with the PORBIOTA project, opened the PORBIOTA Room in the ISA Main Building, with the course on Quality and Biodiversity Data Cleaning organized by GBIF-PT.
