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Photo by Marta Neto is licensed under CC-BY 4.0
LTER Portugal at Festival Internacional de Ciência FiC.A
In the scope of the PORBIOTA e-Infrastructure, on October 16, 2021, at FIC.A - Festival Internacional de Ciência, it was possible to assist the launch of the dissemination film about the 4 LTER Portugal sites. In this film, the long-term (socio)ecological research and monitoring projects are presented, the 4 sites included in the LTER Portugal platform (Long-Term Ecological Research) LTsER Baixo Sabor, LTsER Ria de Aveiro, LTsER Estuaries (Minho, Mondego and Mira) and LTsER Mounted.
Film directed by Miguel Cortes Costa and Carolina Castro Almeida, Production by SPECO, Portuguese Society of Ecology