PORBIOTA is the Portuguese e-Infrastructure for Information and Research on Biodiversity, targeted at storing, organising and disseminating biodiversity and environmental data, thereby supporting research on biodiversity and ecosystems that connects academia public administration and civil society.
PORBIOTA, is a distributed Research Infrastructure (RI) to manage biodiversity data and is listed in the Portuguese Roadmap of Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest (RNIE) which includes LTER-PT, ICOS-PT and AzoresBioportal, which together hold the most comprehensive information on Portuguese biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
The e-Infrastructure PORBIOTA manages the national node LifeWatch Portugal of LifeWatch ERIC - European e-Science Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, an ESFRI Roadmap Landmark.
PORBIOTA as a distributed Research Infrastructure (RI), supports biodiversity and ecosystems research by providing open resources and tools to the scientific community.
Tailored according to national needs, but compliant with the requirements of international initiatives (GBIF and LifeWatch ERIC), the e-Infrastructure PORBIOTA aims to provide services for the scientific community, policymakers and managers, and to raise biodiversity awareness and public understanding of science through citizen science and other outreach programs. Fostering a national agenda for biodiversity and ecosystems research, by making available high-quality knowledge needed to meet societal challenges regarding awareness of biodiversity, environmental sustainability, thereby contributing to meet UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The activity of e-Infrastructure PORBIOTA is rooted in international networks, as it is the national node of LifeWatch ERIC (LifeWatch Portugal) and is deeply engaged in eLTER, ICOS, DISSCo and GBIF.