By cataloguing and digitizing data from natural history museums, botanical gardens and herbariums collections, using massive digitization of specimens and crowdsourcing cataloguing will provide knowledge on biodiversity through evolution and diversity of nature.
The e-Infrastructure PORBIOTA integrates the three main natural history museums in Portugal: MUHNAC-UL - National Museum of Natural History and Science – University of Lisbon, MC-UC - Science Museum – University of Coimbra and MHNC-UP – Natural History and Science Museum – University of Porto. And also providing data from LISI - Herbarium João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, ISA – University of Lisbon, COI Herbarium of University of Coimbra
The three Portuguese natural history museums, botanic garden and herbariums are accessible and a small fraction of these collections are already digitized and has their metadata available through:
Scientific Collections - Natural History and Science Museum – University of Porto
Scientific Collections - Science Museum – University of Coimbra
Scientific Collections - Herbarium of University of Coimbra
Scientific Collections - National Museum of Natural History and Science – University of Lisbon
Scientific Collections - Herbarium João de Carvalho e Vasconcellos I.S.A. – University of Lisbon